I offer one-on-one, small group and summer/spring break camp workshops.
I work out of my studio and also go to other people's studios, homes and kitchen tables!
I also host printmaking and collage bookmaking workshops
at wedding, birthday parties and special events.
Contact me if you are interested! 604.441.2797, hintonbarbara@gmail.com
Art Workshops
Adults & Kids
Come with a specific project idea or just show up and PLAY!
Illustration & Cartooning, Calligraphy Pens & Ink
Monoprints, Wood Sculpture, Make a Tiny Book, Use an Old Typewriter
Expressive Painting, Composition & Color Theory
Mixed Media & Collage
kids projects have included: wooden bird puppets, chicken sculptures that lay eggs through a trap door, paintings of giraffes with rubber boots and cats with little hats, pens and ink zombie trading cards, "The Far Side" style cartoons with captions created on the '50s typewriter, splatter paintings on canvas, and photos of the garden including a momma raccoon fishing with her 5 babies.
FIRST AID – Level 1 Certification - 2009
WAVAW – Women’s Crisis Line Peer Counselor Training (100 hrs) - 2004
AMERICAN RED CROSS – Disaster Services & Shelter Operations - 1998
GUARDIAN AD LITEM – Child Advocate – Supreme Court of Florida - 1996
COACHING - Level 1 Certification – 1992 (Played and coached in University)
FIRST AID – Level 1 Certification - 2009
WAVAW – Women’s Crisis Line Peer Counselor Training (100 hrs) - 2004
AMERICAN RED CROSS – Disaster Services & Shelter Operations - 1998
GUARDIAN AD LITEM – Child Advocate – Supreme Court of Florida - 1996
COACHING - Level 1 Certification – 1992 (Played and coached in University)
" A smart person takes play seriously, for in the act of playing is the possibility of going beyond established borders. Be natural. Put aside all that is 'significant' and 'important' and just play!" - Deng Ming Dao
Kids Art Camp - with Rhythm & Tennis!
Cartooning, Printmaking Hand Drumming & Tennis
Work in a real art studio!
Explore and express your inner nature, dreams, character, secrets, or wildness.
Explore and express your inner nature, dreams, character, secrets, or wildness.
- Create a book of images that reflects your view of the world.
- Learn monoprinting and detailed drawing with traditional india ink pens.
- Investigate the patterns, colors and images around you in everyday life.
- Paint, write, collage and draw your inspirations.
August 7-10, Tuesday to Friday, 9am - 4pm
Ages 7-12
with Barb Hinton Wood
Painting Instructor at Emily Carr University
CertifiedTennis Instructor
and Navaro Franco
Master Drummer & Percussionist, Musician, Artist & Instructor
30 years experience, African & Traditional Rhythms
9-11 Tennis
11-12 ImageResearch
12-1 LunchBreak
1-4 ArtWorkshops - Includes 1 afternoon of Hand Drumming!
Navaro Franco (www.navarofranco.com)
A multi-disciplinary artist,Navaro Franco has been living the artist's life for 30 years. In 1984 shecompleted 3 years in Interdisciplinary Arts at Emily Carr University, with a strong focus on sculpture, writing, anddrawing. She also began her studies with master teachers in African Drumming,and Modern and African Dance forms. She has been performing and teaching musicand dance for 20 years. Navarohomeschooled her daughter for several years, and then she and her daughterbecame immersed in Waldorf School alternative education. She has taught drumming and dance tochildren in the Waldorf Schoolsin Vancouver and Vancouver Island, and is also an active performer and teacherof adults. She performed for6 years in the BC Art Starts School Shows with Marimba Muzuva andalso Mandido's Have Drums Will Travel. She has presented for children at many Power of Hope and also Teen Journey retreats. She maintains an active personal practice of writing and drawing.
Spring Break - March 2012 - Discovery Workshops
Expression - Patterns & Nature
Small Class Size (Max 4 students) - Good Quality Supplies
Come prepared to go outside for some image research!
Week #1 - MONDAY - FRIDAY MARCH 12-16 1-4PM
Week #2 - MONDAY - FRIDAY MARCH 19-23 1-4PM
Ages 9-12 - MON,TUES, WED Ages 13-15 - THURS, FRI
- Work from patterns in nature
- Find inspiration in the plants, animals and urban environment
in the yard, along sidewalks and alleys!
- Learn Monoprinting with rollers, ink and printmaking papers
- Work in layers & with stencils
- Draw & paint with traditional ink pens
- Explore your own wild nature while painting with rags, brushes, and scratching tools

composition-expression-color mixing
Beginners and experienced painters are welcome for an adventure into technical and expressive painting techniques. Experience the wonder and joy of mixing colors and learn to work confidently from systematic and intuitive approaches.
Did you know that composition is influenced by culture (reading English left to right, or Chinese right to left), and gravity (things want to ‘fall’ down if they appear to have weight). Learn many fascinating influences on the the ways we ‘read’ or experience our visual world, and the picture plane - and learn to apply those to your image making and your every day creative life.
Course #1 - 3 Thursdays, 6:30-9pm - Red & Green Palette /Blue & Orange Palette ($90 + supplies)
December 1st:
- Explore the broad range of the Red & Green complementary palette
- Work with some composition guidelines based on our physiology, science and cultural influences
- Create a number of studies & exercises
December 8th:
- Explore the broad range of the Blue & Orange complementary palette
- Continue to work with some composition guidelines based on nature, math, psychological and spiritual influences
- Create a number of studies & exercises
December 15th:
- Create a series of finished and experimental pieces using the palette of your choice combined with compositional discoveries from the first session
(Projects can be turned into 'art cards' for seasonal gifts)
Course #2 - 1 Saturday, noon -5pm - Gift Making ($60 + supplies)
Saturday, December 17th: Saturday Gift Making Workshop
- A Monochromatic palette will be introduced as an option to play with the amazing range of one color (including whites, blacks, greys and midtones.)
- Continue to explore a complementary palette of your choice
- Experience the wonderment of mixed media and collage
Create a series of 5-10 beautiful small to medium sized finished creations for the holiday season - to give away or keep for yourself!
The supply list is highly recommended, however feel free to bring other acrylic paints if you have them already (or other water based paints like water colors - not oil paints).
*please note! I will list more affordable paint options in the next few days (by the 27th)and, I will be providing the painting palettes so you don't have to buy whole booklet of them.
Acrylic paint:
Stevenson brand
1. Lemon Yellow
2. Cadmium (or Hansa) Yellow Mid
3. Azo Red Light
4. Permanent Alizarin Hue
5. Dioxazine Violet
6. Ultramarine Blue
7. Pthalo Blue - (Kroma brand), or Pthalo Blue/Green - (Golden brand) (Do not buy Stevenson brand Pthalo Blue or any other Blue/Red Shade)
8. Hookers Green
9. White
10. Black
- 1 size 12 round brush
- 3 flat brushes (different sizes - small to large)
- Gel/gloss medium (small container)
- 1-2 palette knives (metal or plastic, rounded edges or angular)
- Palette sheets/paper, large 12"x14" (Buy as a booklet of many sheets. Use as your palette. Ideal size for mixing many colors at a time and saving paint.)
- 1 spritz/spray bottle (helps to keep the paint from drying on palette)
- 1 container for water (ex: yogurt container)
- 1 small sponge (ex: flat 'kitchen' sponge)
- 1 roll of masking tape
Paper and painting surfaces:
I will provide the paper for the studies - you provide the paper or other surface such as small stretched canvases or small wooden panels or recycled or alternative materials for the special projects. (I suggest working in a series of 5 or more for special projects. Surfaces in your series can be similar size/measurements and material or varied.)
$70 approximately for supplies
- If the supply list is cost prohibitive for you please don't hesitate to contact me and we can talk through the colors/brands of paint that you have or could purchase instead.
- The supply list can last all 3 sessions. Left over supplies can last years and be used for many more projects!